Alpha Women's Center 2023 Gala image

Alpha Women's Center 2023 Gala

Beauty from Ashes

$87,839 raised

$75,000 goal

/ 150


Witnessing lives transformed by God's grace.

In our more than 40 years as a Christian ministry, Alpha Women’s Center has been through a lot of ups and downs. But maybe never so much as in the last year, finally seeing Roe v Wade overturned, but coming under attack specifically for being prolife. More than ever, Alpha is needed to bring beauty from ashes and transform lives and hearts.

We offer help and hope to Twin Cities women with unintended pregnancies and wrap around them with holistic care and support. Countless lives have been saved in the last 40 years, and there is more work to do!

We invite you to join us on Thursday, April 27, to show your support for our life-affirming and life-changing work. We have an exciting lineup of guests, including keynote speaker Kelly Lester. Kelly shares an amazing story of transformation from a broken, drug addicted abortion worker with multiple abortions of her own, to a Christian wife, prolife advocate, and mother of six. You won’t want to miss her inspiring story!

Your donations help women change lives of brokenness into ones of beauty!