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Give today to help us save lives!

Offering help and hope to women--saving lives, two at a time!

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Every week, women come to our mobile clinics determined to have an abortion. But we call our clinics "Miracle Machines" for a reason! When a mom sees a tiny baby on the ultrasound screen, she usually changes her mind and decides to keep the baby. Seeing her unborn child through the ultrasound makes all the difference. A young mother is able to see the truth of life and experience a change of heart.

God uses the Alpha Women's Center Mobile Medical Clinics to bring about this change in the lives of moms and dads who visit us. In fact, four out of five women who see their unborn baby's ultrasound will choose life for their child. Your support makes it possible for us to go to women who are at the crossroads of decision and reveal their child's precious life as they view their ultrasound. We are there to walk with them and support them in their journey through pregnancy.

Because of your donation, Alpha Women's Center is able to continue our life-saving ministry and serve more women and children in our community. Please join with us and donate today!